[fullwidth backgroundcolor=”” backgroundimage=”” backgroundrepeat=”no-repeat” backgroundposition=”left top” backgroundattachment=”scroll” bordersize=”0px” bordercolor=”” borderstyle=”” paddingtop=”0px” paddingbottom=”0px” paddingleft=”0px” paddingright=”0px” menu_anchor=”” class=”” id=””][fusion_text]Kenny Perry’s Country Creek Golf Course employs friendly, caring, energetic people who have a passion for creating and maintaining excellent course conditions and providing quality customer service.  There are three types of positions:

There are full-time and part-time positions, paid hourly, and employees receive a complimentary KPCC Golf Membership.  To apply for employment at Kenny Perry’s Country Creek Golf Course, please:

  1. Complete an application.  Click HERE to download a KPCC Employment Application
  2. Please return your completed application to our pro shop in person, or scan and email your completed application to kpcc@bellsouth.net

Thank you for your interest in employment at Kenny Perry’s Country Creek Golf Course.  For more information, or to inquire about availability, please contact our Director of Golf, Marty Sharer at 270-586-9373 or kpcc@bellsouth.net.[/fusion_text][/fullwidth]